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let’s tell your story well

Strategic Brand + Business Foundations to Identity Design to Collateral & Web Development—and also, anything & everything in between.

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Working with me

Before BURRELL & CO., I spent 10 years in the Advertising + Strategy Consulting world thinking and designing for brands like Coca-Cola & Kate Spade. I’ve concept-ed and created everything from subway ads to candle labels to million dollar brand experiences for businesses both big & small. My projects over the last decade have illuminated the need for well-honed strategy and smart design communication—but mostly how important it is to recognize the humanity in it all.

I ALWAYS begin my projects with a Strategic Discovery phase. Our findings act as guardrails for the rest of the work. From there, we move into Identity Design, this phase is the visual execution of everything we uncovered in our initial deep dive. Once we have the basis of your brand created, it’s time for any supporting collateral needs (think business cards, packaging, social media graphics, email marketing templates, web development—you get it, the list goes on!).

Packages have never scratched all the itches for me, so I build a bespoke proposal based on YOUR business / brand needs. It will have everything you need & nothing you don’t.

As a baseline, most of my clients invest a minimum of $10k for some combination of my services.

Equal parts critical / objective thinking and collaborative research, the end goal is distilling the you-est part of your business into a visual language that attracts your people.


How I Can Help:






+ Brand & Website Design

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let’s get the ball rolling, yes?

I partner with people who are ready to unlock the unique value and potential of their business & brand.